Prvi ročnici započet će služenje obnovljenog vojnog roka 1. ožujka 2025., najkasnije do 1. lipnja sljedeće godine. Iako je početak bio planiran za 1. siječnja 2025., odlučeno je da se odgodi kako bi se izbjeglo preklapanje saborske i javne rasprave o odgovarajućem zakonodavstvu s održavanjem predsjedničkih izbora, čiji će prvi krug biti održan 29. prosinca […]
The main idea of the text is that the reintroduction of mandatory military service in Croatia, initially scheduled to begin January 1st, 2025, has been delayed. The first conscripts will now start their service no earlier than March 1st, 2025, and at the latest by June 1st, 2026. This postponement was made to avoid overlapping with the parliamentary debate and public discussion on the relevant legislation and the presidential election, which takes place on December 29th, 2023.
The main idea of the text is that the reintroduction of mandatory military service in Croatia, initially scheduled to begin January 1st, 2025, has been delayed. The first conscripts will now start their service no earlier than March 1st, 2025, and at the latest by June 1st, 2026. This postponement was made to avoid overlapping with the parliamentary debate and public discussion on the relevant legislation and the presidential election, which takes place on December 29th, 2023.